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The Creators

Ashley Sollenberger is a physical education teacher, running coach, and lover of wandering in the woods. He strives to write stories that demonstrate surprise connections.

Amber Kane is a visual arts educator, product manager, and animal lover. She strives to make connections between ideas, materials, and processes in her work.

National Ice Cream for BREAKFAST Day!

A key benefit of being an adult is getting to eat ice cream for breakfast, while I try not to make a habit of it, it really is the perfect pairing with your morning cup of coffee.

In case you need a bit more than my permission to eat ice cream for breakfast, the first Saturday in February has been declared National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, so now is your chance.

How it started

A New York mom, Florence Rappaport, of six is credited to creating this wonderful holiday in the 1960s. Her youngest two children weren't in the best of spirits on a VERY cold snowy day (can you relate), and in order to turn their moods around, she decided to lean into the idea of all things cold, and explained that they would have ice cream for breakfast.


If you don't want to suffer the repercussions of giving your kids ice cream for breakfast, OR, if you want to make it more of an event. Give them the gift of The Ice Cream Mill picture book. Use the book to spark curiosity about how ice cream made, what a mill really is, and bonus points if they try to come up with their own way to make ice cream.

113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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Unstandardized: Make Your Own Rules

I'm on a mission to help you design your day [dreams]. Amber Kane is an educator turned product manager who believes you can figure everything out one step at a time.

Read more from Unstandardized: Make Your Own Rules

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